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Wireless electric curtain

MWM70 - RF. 12 through wireless gateway HDLMCIP - RF. After 10 configured, which can realize opening and closing curtains open, close, stop, or turn on the percentage to the specified location. Wireless open curtain motor under the conditio...


category:Switch panel

  • The product description
  • The main function
  • The basic parameters

MWM70 - RF. 12 through wireless gateway 织梦帮MCIP - RF. After 10 configured, which can realize opening and closing curtains open, close, stop, or turn on the percentage to the specified location. Wireless open curtain motor under the condition of electricity or without electricity can be manually pull. Motor overheating protection function.

Overload protection, overheating protection, support the full open and close, any switch in the user interface to view the curtain on the location, automatically adjust the position of the curtain, electric automatic calibration after optional, simple programming, can trigger a manual control, after power support manual control, modern structure, structure of solid motor movement patterns: forward, reverse, support the master-slave mode, pulse coding positioning location, low noise, by HDL Buspro control support online upgrade
Working voltage: AC 240 v, 50 hz, rated power: 70 w rated torque: 1.0 Nm, rated speed: 112 RMP line speed: 16 cm/s, insulation levels: level of e. IP: IP41 product size: 284 x70x50mm